A hisória do longa é baseada na obra de Max Lucado, Candle, que se passa em 1890 e envolve anjos, velas e desejos de Natal. The Christmas Candle The Christmas Candle
Uploaded by filmow | Length 00:02:11 | 5 views Duas irmãs tentam conquistar sua tia com doença terminal e difícil de agradar na esperança de se tornarem beneficiárias de sua rica propriedade, mas descobrem que o resto de seus gananciosos membros da família têm a mesma ideia. The Estate The Estate
Uploaded by filmow | Length 00:02:24 | 79 views

"The Batman" opens this weekend and theaters are hoping this blockbuster film will help the industry nudge closer toward normalcy.

Uploaded by Funentertainmentchannel | Length 00:03:34 | 1 views No pequeno vilarejo de Gladbury há uma lenda de que a cada 25 anos um anjo visita o lugar e toca em uma vela. Quem acender essa vela terá um desejo realizado na véspera de Natal. Mas em pleno ano de 1890, com o surgimento da eletricidade, essa lenda pode chegar ao fim. Com a chegada de um jovem reverendo ao vilarejo, os moradores descobrem uma maneira mais eficaz de ter seus desejos atendidos: sendo gentis um com outro e realizando boas ações. The Christmas Candle The Christmas Candle
Uploaded by filmow | Length 00:02:11 | 11 views

In the picturesque town of Vinales, a popular tourist getaway in rural Cuba, terraces of restaurants and lodges are empty. After the pandemic brought the budding prosperity of this town to a grinding halt, many were forced to leave their jobs in tourism and return to working the land.
Uploaded by afp | Length 00:02:35 | 9 views

Kathryn Hall discusses the lack of funding into the arts and cultural sectors and explains the repercussions this may have on mental health.
Uploaded by uklocaltv | Length 00:01:57 | 12 views

Ebook Prep Not Panic: Keys to Surviving the Next Pandemic Full Online

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Uploaded by AntoniaTriano | Length 00:00:21 | 0 views

Into The Woods hits theaters nationwide December 25, 2014!
Uploaded by metatube | Length 00:00:31 | 0 views

The Raider ll Hollywood Action Adventure Movie in English ll
Uploaded by ankitruksana4 | Length 01:18:19 | 15 views

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