The Rust Belt was promised a lot this election – will those promises, which are now transitioning into policies, be made good? Economist and UN advisor Jeffrey Sachs is a Rust Belt native himself, and believes it’s in the hands of people in that area to take an informed look at the economic proposals of the Trump administration – will these proposals benefit the average person, or is there misdirection and populist scapegoating at play that will only serve to make the rich richer? Sachs provides some red markers to watch for when listening to policy proposals, and offers a question to keep in mind: “Who is going to pay for that tax break?” It may not be the answer the people of the Rust Belt signed up for. Jeffrey Sachs's most recent book is Building the New American Economy: Smart, Fair, and Sustainable (


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If you’re from the rust belt the first thing I would say is so am I. I’m a Detroiter. And so I understand the situation in the rust belt and it’s a bad situation. Now Donald Trump won votes there by saying I’m going to fix your situation and he said how he proposes to do it. He said you’re suffering because China has taken advantage of us, bad trade deals because of migrants in our country, because of Mexico and NAFTA and our jobs going overseas and so forth.

I’d give that a rounded D, you know. Probably passing for effort but obviously didn’t do much reading and doesn’t really understand economics very much. The first thing I would say is, “Donald, you’re my student. Didn’t you read about the widening income inequality in the country – that as those voters in the rust belt are suffering your buddies, the billionaires that you put in the cabinet they’re having the time of their lives. How about remembering that in your essay?"

The point I would say to the rust belt is you have now heard the words of a typical populist. A populist looks at a real problem and says it’s the foreigners that caused it. It’s the other people that caused it. A populist always is looking for misdirection for the enemy. It’s kind of like a magic act where the magician tries to make you look over here while they’re stealing out of your pocket on the other side. That’s what’s going on in America right now.

The problem with populism is it doesn’t work. So he may try to beat up on China, good luck to us. We could end up with a real global crisis if they try that. He could try to beat up on Mexico. Probably a little bit more success in the sense of doing harm to others but we’d have a pretty bad backlash as well. But what he can’t do is solve your rust belt problems that way. That he can’t do

So I would say, you know, now it’s your turn to grade the paper because you’re going to be watching Donald turn in weekly exam papers and so you’re going to have to be grading him. Who are the beneficiaries of his actions? Are the rich going to get richer? How many jobs do you really think are coming home? If Ford says, “Okay, we won’t invest in Mexico, we’ll invest in the U.S.” and that creates 700 jobs for a $700 million investment, one job per million dollars. How far are we going to get that way?

You’re going to be the graders now and I would say think hard and seriously. Are you watching gimmicks? Are tweets going to solve your problem or are you hearing solutions that are not solutions for a few rich people but are solutions for you? And one more thing I would recommend to Americans. He’s going to come across and say, “I’m going to cut your taxes and I’m going to cut the rich people’s taxes. I’m going to cut everybody’s taxes.” And Americans will say, “Whoa, that’s wonderful. That’s great.” But then they should think for a moment. “Okay, well isn’t that going to raise the deficit? Okay, isn’t that going to be a lot of more public debt? Yeah. Who’s going to pay for that? My kids?” Or if you’re a young millennial; “I’m going to pay for that! What the heck is that – giving tax breaks to 70-year-old friends of our 70-year-old president and leaving me with the debt?”

So that I think is how we’re going to have to grade this government. And so far they don’t do their homework. They don’t do their reading. They haven’t really studied very hard and so far if they’re passing it’s close to failing.
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There were scenes of confusion around Libya’s parliament building in Tripoli on Sunday as it was stormed by heavily armed gunmen claimed to be forces loyal to the country’s former army chief Khalifa Haftar.

Smoke rose from the parliament, which witnesses said had been shelled causing lawmakers to flee.

Renegade ex-general Haftar has vowed to rid Libya of Islamist militants and the Tripoli attack comes three days after men under his command launched a major air-and-ground attack against hardline Islamists in the eastern city of Benghazi.

Libya’s Health Ministry said 70 people had been killed in the Benghazi fighting and 141 people were injured.

Haftar said the Benghazi attacks were because Libya’s government had failed to halt violence there and was allowing extremists to exert considerable influence in the country

Benghazi was the cradle of the uprising against Gaddafi, but authorities have struggled to curb violence and stem attacks in the east which have been mostly blamed on Ansar al-Sharia, an Islamist group that Washington labels as a terrorist organisation.

In February Haftar released a video in which he called for a presidential committee to be formed to govern until new elections could be held as a way to end Libya’s political impasse. At that time he denied it was a coup d’etat.

Haftar is a former rebel in the war that deposed dictator Muammar Gaddafi. It is unclear how much support he has in the regular armed forces or among the competing militias in Libya.

Libya’s parliament has been paralysed for months by divisions between Islamist and nationalist parties.

Many Libyans are frustrated at the lack of progress toward democratic transition since the fall of Gaddafi, but In Tripoli people who the Associated Press spoke to also criticised the latest violence.

Local resident Mohamed Ali said: “We do not want any more militias or displays of arms. And Tripoli is considered a civilian city and we do not want anyone coming here and terrorising us, like what happened today.”

Another Tripoli resident, Khalid Yossef, echoed his complaint: “What is happening is a struggle for power, that’s it. And the people are the ones who are suffering and they are the real victims As you can hear there are bullets flying around, and it’s all down to your luck when that happens.”

with Reuters and AP
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The 15 year-old stem cell researcher on launching a career in science.

Question: Was there a particular moment when you realized you wanted to be a scientist?Loh:    Not exactly, but I remember in 5th grade at the start of elementary school, I got this manual called [IB] Manual, that's the diagnostic handbook for doctors and that really inspired me and then 6th grade, I heard about a stem cell researcher at Rutgers called the [IB] and about... he did a lot of the work with stem cells and spinal cord injury.  And I just got really excited to jump in and I kept on hearing all these different people saying different things and I asked, "You know, one day, is it possible if I could actually be doing the work?"  And I think that'd be cool to just do something hands on and find it work and I think that's meaningful in life if I can do something that can help ameliorate the suffering of human beings.  And I think that as I've just gotten more and more into research, that's just what I hope to do.
Question: How did you end up at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute?Loh:    I was an undergrad at Rutgers and I was just browsing around the Harvard website for fun and it said something like, there's a summer internship program for the Harvard Stem Cell Institute and I was... and I said, like, "There are hundreds of really smart kids applying for this.  I'm just going to apply for fun 'cause I have nothing better to do."  And so I applied and miraculously I got in, I was so shocked when I read the acceptance e-mail, I thought it was a prank or they have forgotten to insert the word, "You weren't accepted" but I'll have to say that that acceptance was based on certain really, really influential mentors and so I have to thank Dr. Doug Melton who is the director of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute who has guided me a lot and Dr. [Willy Lynch] at Harvard Medical School who really made this happen.
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Mary Magdalene - from NibiruClose

Oh now the queen is the reincarnate of Vald the Impailer also? well (so you have said brian) Prince Charles is Solomon lucifer, then he's Vald the Impaler and now hes jack the ripper, but how can Prince William be Vald, when you already have come out with that charles is Vald and the queen mother too? They cant all be Vald. Triple OxyMoron

6666 = verses for the name Lord. this number was the speed of the earth on april 5th 33 AD. resurrection and your conception april 5th 1944 resurrection at 66,666.6666 mph. How can that be if you were born Jan 11th, 1944 (a Big LOL there) you told us Lord means lucifer. So you are Lord Lucifer Brian then.

Here is another Lie, Brian states that grant went to Mt. Sinai, when in Fact it was Ayres Rock. (South Land of The Holy Spirit-1606) "gps and a Magellan hand held like the one Grant had with him at Ayres Rock." "proven by the gps my mate Grant had with him when he went to Ayres Rock," 7-16-2005

1 CREATION - Man and Woman
This is the vid where brian wrote 3068 instead of 3168, and it's Not a typo. He even says it verbally Jehovah 3068, but he Fails to mention the rest of it which is Jehovah (3068) = "the existing One" 1) the proper name of the one true God. ~ If this is True, then Yahweh is a Lie

You Expose nothing that hasnt already been out there on the net, All the info about the freemanson, illuminati, Catholic church, the Pope, Zionism, NWO Evil etc... you cant claim any of it. the only orginal thing you can claim is your numbers of the Great Pyramid , which have been Proven that you Manipulate, so thats Null and Voided. You are part of the Evil, for Sure not the Hope of the returned Jesus. You are Not here to lead the world into Paradise, what you do is cause hate and division just like every other religion out there. You also havent proven to cure anyone. Your a Charlatan, a modern day Snake Oil Salesman.

the man is paranoid schizophrenic, on top of sociopathic narrissium and no one is worth more than he is to himself. I am Happy Michelle got all the money from the sale of your home, after all the years of Abuse she put up with you the Demi god wanna be arsehole, she Deserves every penny. You blaming her for her broken wrist as the angels did it casue she wont bow and worship your Insanity.You are one sick puppy brian. All your exwives you claim are whores and publically flog them. though you have said many yrs that michelle is Mary Magdalene, she the espoused of jesus represents the female soul of Ammah our 'Mother', which is the collective soul of all mankind, which is to marry Christ. (Marriage Supper of the Lamb) but now it's Janelle Asherah who has replaced her as the Mother of all Living (having had Abortions makes her more the Mother of All Living dead things) Who you wont even marry, as you keep changing the dates of your (sic) divine bibliical codes to suit yourself. Brian, you couldnt keep a story straight if your life depended on it.
Uploaded by LisaMarie-Truth888 | Length 00:19:20 | 1 views

Over 100 shop owners provided “green incentives” to cyclists who arrive at theirstores on their bicycles, Metro Vancouver's “Kyoto Bike Discounts Program” initiated by “Ebike Bob”, Rob Matthies, the green tech inventor. Why? Please look up the following: WHO | Chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), COPD Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease
Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Adults, best way to prevent the development,
worsening, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), important events, not smoke.
Other Suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmanory Disease (COPD), doesn't mean that you can't do, in fact it may help, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), airway irritants.
Exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), natural history, Vancouver
Coastal Health, suspected, pilot project, facilitating, transition, confirmed chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD), Vancouver General Hospital, Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care,
provides health care services, network, with suspected or confirmed chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD), prevalent and devastating, a group of progressive lung diseases. Here's what you
should know: Hot Yoga or Bikram Yoga, symptoms, epidemic of illnesses, that are exacerbated,
long-lasting respiratory disorder, causes the airways of the lungs , The COPD Clinic at Vancouver
General Hospital, vehicle exhaust, obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer and diabetes. Spike in progressive lung disease cases, overwhelm healthcare, UBC researchers are warning, Chronic. Patient Information, North Shore, Sea to Sky. The COPD Outreach Team, St. Paul's Hospital, hospital to home for patients with COPD and assisting, remain healthy and well at home, Vancouver, BC. Sunshine Coast, Powell River,. Richmond and Vancouver, epidemic is on the way. Occupational diesel exhaust exposure as a risk factor, chronic, smoking. Environment, an Epidemic of Lung Disease. Car exhausts: The invisible killer in our cities, Telegraph, a major cause of the asthma epidemic, afflicts one in seven British children, people dying each year, 300,000 people needing Hospital or GP attention for COPD. Find a treatment for one of the world's deadliest lung ailments: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). #KyotoBikeDiscountsProgram, #KyotoBikeDiscountProgram, Kyoto Bike Discounts , Bike Discounts Program , Metro Vancouver BC, Kyoto Bike Discounts Program , COPD prevention vancouver , bike sharin
Vancouer, bike lanes Vancouver, Vancouver Biking Discounts Program , Vancouver Biking Shoppers
Discount Program.
Uploaded by vancouver4cyclists2017 | Length 00:02:37 | 3 views

British Columbia, Canada. Shop owners provided “green discounts” to cyclists who arrive at their stores on their bicycles, Metro Vancouver's “Kyoto Bike Discounts Program” initiated by “Ebike Bob”, Rob Matthies, the revived battery inventor. Why? Please look up the following: WHO | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), COPD Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Adults, best way to prevent the development, worsening, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), important events, not smoke. Other Suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmanory Disease (COPD), doesn't mean that you can't do, in fact it may help, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), airway irritants. Exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), natural history, Vancouver Coastal Health, suspected, pilot project, facilitating, transition, confirmed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Vancouver General Hospital, Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care, provides health care services, network, with suspected or confirmed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), prevalent and devastating, a group of progressive lung diseases. Here's what you should know: Hot Yoga or Bikram Yoga, symptoms, epidemic of illnesses, that are exacerbated, long-lasting respiratory disorder, causes the airways of the lungs , The COPD Clinic at Vancouver General Hospital, vehicle exhaust, obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer and diabetes. Spike in progressive lung disease cases, overwhelm healthcare, UBC researchers are warning, Chronic. Patient Information, North Shore, Sea to Sky. The COPD Outreach Team, St. Paul's Hospital, hospital to home for patients with COPD and assisting, remain healthy and well at home, Vancouver, BC. Sunshine Coast, Powell River,. Richmond and Vancouver, epidemic is on the way. Occupational diesel exhaust exposure as a risk factor, chronic, smoking. Environment, an Epidemic of Lung Disease. Car exhausts: The invisible killer in our cities, Telegraph, a major cause of the asthma epidemic, afflicts one in seven British children, people dying each year, 300,000 people needing Hospital or GP attention for COPD. Find a treatment for one of the world's deadliest lung ailments: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). #KyotoBikeDiscountsProgram, #KyotoBikeDiscountProgram, Kyoto Bike Discounts , Bike Discounts Program , Metro Vancouver BC, Kyoto Bike Discounts Program , COPD prevention vancouver , bike sharing Vancouer, bike lanes Vancouver, Vancouver Biking Discounts Program , Vancouver Biking Shoppers Discount Program.
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Donald Trump has postponed his planned election rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma – the scene of one of the worst race massacres in US history – amid outcry over its clash with the Juneteenth holiday marking the end of US slavery. The gathering – which had also caused alarm among health officials tackling the coronavirus pandemic – was to be held on 19 June, the anniversary of the day in 1865 when a general read out Abraham Lincoln’s emancipation proclamation in Texas, freeing slaves in the last un-emancipated state. On Friday night, the US president reversed his decision to hold a rally then as a “celebration” of that day, pushing it back one day to “honour requests” from the African American community. He tweeted: “Many of my African American friends and supporters have reached out to suggest that we consider changing the date out of respect for this holiday, and in observance of this important occasion and all that it represents.“I have therefore decided to move our rally to Saturday, June 20th, in order to honor their requests.”The change came as Trump further stoked controversy over race issues and policing by saying that chokeholds sounded “so innocent and so perfect”, and once again claimed he has been the best president for black Americans – only partially conceding that Abraham Lincoln may have surpassed him. Trump said he would like to see a ban on chokeholds in most instances, but suggested their use would be understandable in some situations, such as the current protests. “I don’t like chokeholds ... [but] sometimes, if you’re alone and you’re fighting someone, it’s tough,” he said in an interview with Fox News on Friday.“You saw some very good people protesting, but you saw some bad people also,” Trump said. “And you get somebody in a chokehold. What are you going to do now? Let go and say, ‘Oh, let’s start all over again’?”As Black Lives Matter protests reverberate around the US and the world, the choice of date had been criticised as incendiary given the historic symbolism of the Tulsa race massacre in which up to 300 black Americans were killed by white mobs.“This isn’t just a wink to white supremacists – he’s throwing them a welcome home party,” tweeted Democrat senator Kamala Harris at the time. Sherry Gamble Smith, the president of Tulsa’s Black Wall Street Chamber of Commerce, an organisation named after the prosperous black community that white Oklahomans burned down in the 1921 attack, said: “To choose the date, to come to Tulsa, is totally disrespectful and a slap in the face to even happen.”The massacre took place over two days from 31 May to 1 June in the highly segregated city, with mobs attacking the Greenwood neighbourhood of the city, known as Black Wall Street for its prosperity. Following a familiar pattern to the racist lynchings of the era, the attacks started with accusations that a 19-year-old black man, Dick Rowland, had assaulted Sarah Page, a 17-year-old white girl. The Trump campaign was aware that the date for the
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The best speech of the United Nations-Prime Minister Imran Khan,the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, addresses the general debate of the 74th Session of the General Assembly of the UN (New York, 24 – 30 September 2019).

Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan today warned that what is going to happen in Kashmir when the curfew is lifted “will be a bloodbath.”

Addressing the General Assembly today (27 Sep) in New York, Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan said, “when a nuclear armed country fights to the end, it will have consequences far beyond the borders.”

He added, "It will have consequences for the world, which is why I repeat I am here, because I’m warning you, it is not a threat, it’s a fair worry that where are we heading?”

On Kashmir, Khan further asked, “what is the world community going to do? Is it going to appease a market of 1.2 billion, or is it going to stand up for justice and humanity?”

The Prime Minister reiterated, “I’ve come here to tell the UN, you got to, this is a test for the United Nations. You are the one who guaranteed the people of Kashmir the right of self-determination. They are suffering because of that and this is the time.”

On Islamophobia, Khan said, “Islamophobia since 911 has grown at a pace that is alarming. Human communities live together. There should be understanding amongst them. But Islamophobia is creating a division. Muslim women wearing hijab is becoming an issue, it’s becoming an issue in some country, hijab is some sort of weapon.”

He also said, “this Islamic terrorism, Islamic radicalism, and sadly used by leaders, this has been the main reason for Islamophobia, and it has caused pain among Muslims.”

The Prime Minister continued, “we, in Muslim countries watch this Islamophobia travelling abroad and it’s getting worse. And may I just say Mr. President that in European countries, it is marginalizing Muslim communities. And we all know that marginalization leads to radicalization.”

Khan also noted the importance of combating climate change and corruption.
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Migration madness: Labour MP claims curbs on uncontrolled UK migration are racist
CALLS to end uncontrolled immigration from Europe are driven by racism, a Labour MP claimed yesterday. "You are not going to like to hear this – it always comes back down to something the Left in this country has very much difficulty with, which is that it is ultimately about racism. It comes down to racism.” She told Mr Lewis: “The thing, Clive, that you do not accept is that people do not want to have our migration settled by the 27 other member states.” Ms Flint also claimed Mr Lewis and his allies were dishonest to say their aim was to stay in the single market. “I think they should be more upfront and honest. It is a campaign to stop us leaving the EU.” Tory MP Philip Davies said: “Clive Lewis has let the truth about Labour shine through. According to Corbyn’s Labour, if you want to control the numbers of people coming into the country then you are a racist. “That is insulting to decent people across the country and shows how out of touch Labour are with working-class communities.” MEP Steven Woolfe, an independent former Ukip member, said: “Stop abusing the word racism and branding Brits racist.” Meanwhile shadow home secretary Diane Abbott vowed from the conference platform that a Labour government would base its immigration policy on Labour “values”. She accused the Tories of “weaponising” the issue and “pandering to anti-immigration sentiment whatever the cost to the economy and communities”. Earlier Mr Corbyn declined to spell out his own policy even though Labour’s manifesto acknowledged free movement would end.. 00FastNews. Please Subscribe!

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Singer Raageshwari Loomba is all for the DNA I Can Women’s Half Marathon for which she is planning to run the entire five km course.

“The causes that the half marathon espouses — education of the girl child, safety of women and cervical cancer — deal directly with empowerment of women. When you empower a woman, by a ripple effect, you empower an entire household — the children as well as the man of the house. On the other hand when a woman is unfulfilled and unhappy, then the balance of the planet shifts radically towards unhappiness,” she says.

“Women are born nurturers. The gifts that the world celebrates — great education, great safety and great health — should be available to them freely. Sadly that isn’t the case, especially in the rural areas of our country,” rues the songstress whose spiritual inclinations lead her to believe that what this planet needs most is healing.

“Girls in many areas of our country need healing from the trauma of living a life where people have a caustic approach to them and their rights as human beings. They need healing from disease as in the case of cervical cancer and they need healing from the trauma of being teased, or worse still attacked by either their own family members, or outsiders. For many of them, living is akin to being in a war zone where they’re discriminated on the basis of their gender, or by other issues such as lack of education, lack of money or physical helplessness,” she says.

Raageshwari believes that love among people is what will change the day. “I’m sorry to observe that Mumbai has become immune to people’s problems and people are shutting down on others’ sufferings. We need to take the lid off our hard exterior and tune into our warm, beautiful selves, into our connectedness where we are all part of one world. Instead of so many divisions at every step what we need is something that unites our hearts in a shared humanity. And feeling love and compassion in our hearts for others can change the world around us,” adds the singer, who’s training for the marathon with her trainer Shiraz.
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