Racism was created as a part of the human experience. Although not everyone agrees with the concepts of racism, many people do - some without even recognizing that they do. besides the fact that it is not civilized, there are many consequences to living in a racist society. Microdacism simply addresses one aspect and then offer solutions.
Uploaded by microdac | Length 00:04:32 | 49 views

Teaching to Transgress How can we rethink teaching practices in the age of multiculturalism? What do we do about teachers who do not want to teach, and students who do not want to learn? How should we deal with racism and sexism in the classroom? This title deals with a different kind of education: education as the practice of freedom. Full description
Uploaded by azarian.quince | Length 00:00:32 | 2 views

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan believes that the newly appointed Sir Mark Rowley will be a reforming commissioner.

“I’m confident that Sir Mark understands the challenges we face in the police in addressing the deep cultural issues that we’ve seen in the recent past with racism, sexism, homophobia, misogyny, discrimination," he said.

Uploaded by LondonWorld | Length 00:00:28 | 109 views

In the Human World it does not belong
We do not need racism since it is so wrong
The racists in their ways are so very small
To have them amongst us a blight on us all.

Since red is the blood we are born with to bleed
The racists amongst us we surely don't need
The scourge of racism is a human disgrace
For it in the Human World there ought not to be a place.

Racism is the source of serious crimes against humanity
Without racists so much better off we all would be
The torch of hatred of difference they set to flame
To have them amongst us is to all of our shame.

To war and to conflicts racism does lead
Without it the Human World would be better indeed
The racists amongst us to us all a put down
They never bring honour to their side of the town.

Francis Duggan

Uploaded by poemhunter | Length 00:01:05 | 17 views

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slammed President Trump on Sunday.

Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Sunday that President Trump is a "symptom of much deeper problems."
She made that comment in response to a tweet from actor George Takei, who had written: "Let's say Trump goes down in disgrace from Mueller or the SDNY or Congressional investigations. We're left with a big question: How did a guy like that get elected? Why do so many still support him? We can't just say 'Fox News' or 'Russians.' We have serious issues to sort out."
"This is the REAL conversation we need to have as a country," Ocasio-Cortez wrote back. "As horrific as this president is, he is a symptom of much deeper problems. Even foreign influence plays on nat'l wounds that we refuse to address: income inequality, racism, corruption,a willingness to excuse bigotry."
Minutes later, she posted two more tweets on the matter.
"He can stay, he can go. He can be impeached, or voted out in 2020," Ocasio-Cortez added. "But removing Trump will not remove the infrastructure of an entire party that embraced him; the dark money that funded him; the online radicalization that drummed his army; nor the racism he amplified+reanimated."
"In order for us to heal as a nation, we ALL must pursue the hard work of addressing these root causes," she continued. "It's not as easy as voting. It means having uncomfortable moments convos w/ loved ones, w/ media, w/ those we disagree, and yes - within our own party, too. It's on all of us."
Uploaded by GeoBeats | Length 00:00:48 | 105 views

5 easy steps to make him love you
#fallinlovewithascientist kiss #fallinlove2021 #fallinlovelatesttrailer #fallinlovewithascientist #fallinloveagain #fallinlovechinesedrama #fallinloveep23engsub #fallinlovewithhimchinesedrama #fallinloveatfirstkissbanglaexplanation #fallinloveatfirstkiss2019 #fallinloveatchristmas #fallinlovedrama #fallinloveep20engsub #fallinloveep22engsub #fallinloveep17engsub #fallinloveep21engsub #fallinloveep23 #fallinloveep16engsub #fallinloveep19engsub #ifallinlovewithboywhoiseeontvscreen #fallinlovemusicvideo #fallinlovemashup #fallinloveost #fallinlovevideo #fallinlovewithhim kiss #fallinlovewithyou #fallinlovewithsoonjung #fallinlovewithmytrouble #fallinlovewithnpc #fallinlove12 #fallinlove16
Uploaded by daily-love | Length 00:01:16 | 14 views

Dust in the wind

I close my eyes, only for a moment
And the moment's gone
All my dreams pass before my eyes, a curiosity
Dust in the wind
All they are is dust in the wind
Same old song, just a drop of water
In an endless sea
All we do crumbles to the ground
Though we refuse to see
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
Oh, ho, ho

Now, don't hang on, nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
It slips away, and all your money won't another minute buy
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind
Dust in the wind
Everything is dust in the wind
Everything is dust in the wind
The wind
Uploaded by marcelo-marinho | Length 00:03:25 | 49 views

How men fall in love steps and how to make him adore you
#fallinlovewithascientist kiss #fallinlove2021 #fallinlovelatesttrailer #fallinlovewithascientist #fallinloveagain #fallinlovechinesedrama #fallinloveep23engsub #fallinlovewithhimchinesedrama #fallinloveatfirstkissbanglaexplanation #fallinloveatfirstkiss2019 #fallinloveatchristmas #fallinlovedrama #fallinloveep20engsub #fallinloveep22engsub #fallinloveep17engsub #fallinloveep21engsub #fallinloveep23 #fallinloveep16engsub #fallinloveep19engsub #ifallinlovewithboywhoiseeontvscreen #fallinlovemusicvideo #fallinlovemashup #fallinloveost #fallinlovevideo #fallinlovewithhim kiss #fallinlovewithyou #fallinlovewithsoonjung #fallinlovewithmytrouble #fallinlovewithnpc #fallinlove12 #fallinlove16
Uploaded by daily-love | Length 00:01:08 | 12 views

Rich Hall sets his keen eye and acerbic wit on his homeland once again as he sifts truth from fiction in Hollywood's version of the southern states of the USA. Using specially shot interviews and featuring archive footage from classic movies such as Gone With The Wind, A Streetcar Named Desire and Deliverance, Rich discovers a South that is about so much more than just rednecks, racism and hillbillies.
Uploaded by angeleyesz89 | Length 00:14:59 | 1 views

English Translation:

Noble Souls are gone in the wind
To those who are killed in the labor camp---

There is a big chimney in Sujatun.
The smoke is rising slowly into the sky.
Have you seen the noble souls, streaming in the wind.

The hands with the knives are trembling.
Keeping silent with their masks on.
However,their eyes still show the evil that threatened and lured them.

These incisions covered their hands with blood which can never be washed away.
They have fallen into bottomless pit.

Underneath the azure sky.
Please do not torture the kindness
Underneath the azure sky
Please do not torture the kindness

Reach out your hands!
We don’t want to keep silent anymore
Reach out your hands
We can’t keep silent anymore

The noble souls are gone with the wind.

more song...

More about Falun Gong Human Right
Uploaded by tienchia | Length 00:04:32 | 3 views

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