Trump is literally Hitler /s.
I have been telling this to my little cousins that are too young to work but old enough to do this kind of stuff. Looks great to employers and colleges!
Well yes Space X should be investigated, but to be clear Space X is not a publicly traded company so there is no stock price to keep up, and Musk talks a lot about safety including that of the crew on the much closer to reality Dragon Crew Capsule. Here is one example.
Don't ruin my fun.

They asked for a previous tax return as a way to approximate payments.

She can file the 2015 tax return now and then she'll have the documentation
Dark City is so fucking good!!!
Small green man make good snu snu
Ah, the old "Westlake Workaround". If you don't live between 360 and Lake Austin, most of these people aren't cutting in front of you. They are most likely getting off 360 sooner, which actually helps the traffic situation. I assume this because many of the cars driving on the shoulder are new/expensive.

I've tried the 360 shoulder drive to Bold Ruler Way, cut through the neighborhood, and get back on 360 at Westlake, and it doesn't save any time. In the end, I've found that the best "shortcut" on 360 is a bike.
Ah, the lesser spotted Potter Plot-holeologist
Sounds like that Angelina Julie movie
I'm 52 and am tired of how wrong most of these answers are (as they are given by younger people with very limited anecdotal experiences and biased perspectives). Some older people suck at technology. Some are better at it than younger people, especially those who are being raised on tablets and cell phones and don't know how to use computers or maintain them.

The main thing I've found is that many older people can't learn that they are no longer in a position to dictate what their adult children should and should not do. They are so used to having authority over you that they won't relinquish it even when you've been indepedent of them for years. They expect you to do things for them or defer to them as you did as a child. These are the types of things they don't expect of anyone else in most cases.
Mexicans are always late to every freaking thing, that's how my family is. We say the party starts at 3 but it really starts at 7 because nobody shows up on time. And even then, there's always one straggler who gets mad we started without them.
Fuck off conspiratard.
They can probably just employ the hosts themselves to assist in the clean-up. Plus they can probably track it. I can imagine a host sending data back to control that "I got shot at GPS coordinates X, killed at Y" etc. that tells them where they need to clean up messes.
Benefit number one: Adobe Lightroom is cheap?
There is so much FANTASTIC content available, and this is what you would want?
I'm canadian so no hospital worries.
I can get a pension at work with very small deductions from salary
Mango mojito is the number one selling cocktail at my bar and we use both Mint and mango chunks in the muddle. Plus a mint sprig and skewered mango for garnish. I fucking despise them.
Time keeps on drippin'
We don't really have any tech problems or sewing needs, idk why really, I've never thought about it or viewed these things as being common tasks or chores. We have macs and they've been so good to us. I have a mini she has a macbook and we've literally never had a problem in the 6 and 7 years we've had them and we (more so me) dive into the depths of the internet quite often. As far as sewing goes well we are shopaholics so when clothes inevitably wear down we see it as an opportunity to do one of our favorite hobbies and hit the malls or outlet stores and grab some lunch or smoothies together, its a good system.
In the same way that ass cancer is harmless fun.
No problem!
I know right? Always gives me a laugh to think about it. It's crazy, but everyones drunk enough that they seem happy to try moving from one person to the next!
That's racist.
Uploaded by dmradar2 | Length 00:02:38 | 5 views

So im sure most of you are aware of the usa presidential election.As an aussie i find that the U.S politics has a ripple effect on our policies.But my question is what do you think is causing people to seek more conservative governments that are taking away freedoms from the general public and how can we overcome fears of terrorists and such. I feel like part of the issue is we try be too politically correct and not speak our minds which worsens the fears.I think we should speak our mind more often and be offensive and honest instead of politically correct. I mean im all for gay marriage but when a person that is gay i dont see why i cant tell them what i think about them as an asshole of a person.Just like people offend me about my whiteness,i appreciate hearing the truth.I feel trump has been successful with this kind of brutally emotional honesty.I think transparency is needed to create the freedoms we once had in politics and we need to take risks and have more emotional rigour,rather than internalising our hatred and fears.
[]Such as... ammonia being converted into urea and being expelled as urine?
[]Because Donald 'Climate change is a Chinese conspiracy' Trump will surely agree to use trillions of dollars to prevent it.
[]"Landlords hate her"
[]Interesting more please. So the bells are bad?
[]This settles it. When I get old, I'm dressing up like a toddler. Diaper and all.
[]A customer once asked about the difference between Mound candy bars, and Almond Joy candy bars: "Which one of them has the peanuts"?

So i told him the almond joy has the peanuts. :-/
[]Quarks, it's made of quarks, mam.
[]Don't forget the shame you feel from living with other peoples issues, like roaches, bed bugs - you know, "poor people" problems. Even when you do everything you're supposed to and then some, you get a quality of life people don't seem to believe is even possible.
[]I too also have my own personal satellite.
[]but this game not all ways look the same ?
[]Fred was an asshole to Scooby and Shaggy and he always liked taking the bitches all for himself.
[]This is so beautiful.
[]Ah thanks. Also I'm in England if that makes a difference. I've googled that cane toads are not natural to the UK so maybe it's a common toad? I'm at the pet shop anyway later so might be able to pick up some bugs. I want to keep it around until tonight to show my daughter when she finishes school!
[]Because they're concerned with keeping casualty numbers low. I thought that was obvious.
[]Assuming he didn't physically do anything I don't see the outrage. Yes, it's creepy to have a child porn collection (in fact it's creepy to have a porn collection that large period), but assuming it didn't go beyond that I don't see this as unforgivable.
[]I've asked questions like this before. In my defense it was in a massive construction material warehouse store where the entrance was in the middle of the long side of the rectangular store and they basically had 2 rows of aisles.
[]To be fair water may freeze at 0, but once it is ice it can be much colder than 0. Cold ice is technically a thing, and ice that's near 0 degrees is going to melt a bunch faster than colder ice.
[]You may find these links helpful:

Credit-related wiki pages
Credit Reports
FICO / Credit Scores
Improving Credit Scores and Building Credit

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[]That's a lie!
[]Straight Outta Penis
[]Read between the lines? Sean straight up bullshit 3/4 of the features in the game. Just because you are easily satisfied with a half assed, triple "A"-priced, half baked minecraft, doesn't mean the rest of us have to be.
Uploaded by mp4six | Length 00:00:30 | 2 views

Star Wars

About tree fiddy
Oh, no doubt, the game mechanics are superb, and the world is pretty cool, but the real charm in my personal opinion was in the dialogue and the batshit crazy side-missions you'd stumble across.
The first and most valuable step for me realizing that I sometimes won't hit the fitness goals I set for myself. And that's ok as long as I try again.
Yup, all in the same place too. Phone in the left pocket, wallet in my right pocket, keys in my right pocket.
Why would children be more important than adults though ?
If I think about doing anal with the redhead that lives on the first floor of my building I can push the button to open the elevator even though my hands are full of groceries.
Proper care and diet can take care of a lot of issues that many people dont like with this pet. However it is a huge time investment. With proper care and attention, they wont poop and pee everywhere, with proper diet they dont stink, and if you handle them properly and keep them happy biting is a rare issue.

I do not see how requiring a lot of attention earns them a space though as a animal you shouldn't own as a pet Ever. Maybe shouldn't own as a pet unless you know how to care for them.
Unique shower curtains have been a "thing" recently. Earlier today someone posted a pic of the aforementioned pirate giraffe riding a shark. In all reality, your bathroom has no need for such nonsense.
Lets be honest here, this is an asshole thing to do. Not to the bird, but to whoever's leg that is. Bird bites and the worst.
Didn't mythbusters show the kind of power needed for a full revolution on chain swings is impossible with the kind of power a human can generate?
John oliver. He is funny but as a commentator he is just way to bias
That's deep
Perfect day - Lou Reed
I get where your coming from... but don't you think when you publicise yourself the way she does something like this is bound to happen?
Mark Cuban

Americans have traditionally gravitated toward billionaires running fro President--see Trump, Forbes & Perot. His business acumen would provide crossover appeal to Republicans.
If you loved the book, you may or may not like the movie depending on whether your agreed with Heinlein's vision of the future. Verhoeven had lived through World War Two and he despised the book for its nationalistic, fascist overtones, so when he made the movie, he made it as a satire of the book.

I really enjoyed the film, but it isn't for everyone. I appreciate Verhoeven exercising his opinion on the source material though.

Also I think a lot of the elements of the movie go over people's heads, like the most common criticism is 'why don't the humans use tanks or planes?'. It is a deliberate thematic choice to show that humans are just another resource to the fascist Federation, and that they would rather sacrifice millions of lives than spend the time and money to make tanks or use bombers, as human life is far cheaper. It is also a comparison to the bugs, demonstrating the hivemind mentality of the humans just as the bugs have a literal hivemind. Believe me, Verhoeven isn't stupid, regardless of Show Girls. As seen with his other satirical films like RoboCop, he really does think of everything and his movies contain far more nuance and symbolism than they are given credit for.
That my parents will die. My Dad is gone now from ALS. Now it's just my Mom. I don't want to lose her.
Salt level: open Ocean
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Jews control a lot
Why they're being fired.
ab rollouts~~
The giant leaf-trap they leave up below the Washington Monument for the Mole People to eat tourists. Fortunately, I was able to fight them off and escape, but I was never able to convince anyone. I guess we'll just have to wait until the reptilians take over completely.
I assume the latter only said it because he knows it's Teddy's line.
Uploaded by dmradar2 | Length 00:01:13 | 14 views

Why the fuck would I want to survive? So that I have to take care of all the mouth-breathers that somehow magically survive?
Law Abiding Batman
The Day After. 1980s made for TV movie about a global thermonuclear war. It fucked up my sleep for pretty much age 13 - 18 then the threat of it actually happening reduced significantly.
Yeah, Great A'Tuin is been doing this same thing for eons, carrying four elephants and the whole discworld on his/her/its shell.
Do not watch this movie.
Possibly, although it's not really practical. One of the fundamental issues with deliberately destroying a satellite in-orbit is the rapid (and uncontrollable) spread of debris.

Check out the collision between Iridium 33 and Kosmos 2251. While completely unintentional, it's resulted in a debris field that affects the entire sphere at LEO. A lot of constellations had to adjust their arrangements because of it, and even manned missions have had to take precautions on several occasions.

The models for a Geo impact are, in a word, terrifying. The risk to global communications is potentially catastrophic. Even more dangerous is the generally-accepted response from nearly every nation with government-owned vehicles on orbit. "Blow ours up, we blow you up." Attacking a nation's ability to communicate with military and state assets is universally seen as an act of war. So while several nations do posses the capability to take out satellite assets, the threat of deploying them is akin to the threat of deploying a nuke; it's a scary idea, but almost everyone realizes it's mutual suicide.
Average people's opinions on specialised matters.

Take the IS-issue: I have no expertise whatsoever on politics, nor on warfare, nor on anything regarding the cultures beyond the West that are involved, yet somehow I find myself to be the only one without any positive assertions on what 'should' be done or thought about the whole thing. Everyone I know has an opinion on it, and I'm fairly sure that apart from my cousin, who has a doctorate in a relevant field, they're all so damn certain of their judgements.

And then they get mad when I refuse to comment on the issue!

"You never have an opinion on these things, VehaMeursault. For someone with a degree, you really ought to investigate such things more."

What, and then have armchair-expert opinions based on the interpreted-and-edited-for-you-not-by-you information you receive from the tele? No thanks. I'd rather admit that no matter how long I research the matter, I simply will not have all relevant information to make any judgement on the matter, and thereby gladly leave it to those who have. What's for dinner, love?

(As for Trump—I'm not even going there.)
This is a beautiful exchange.
I was within a hair's breadth of making a Changeling: The Lost reference before I remembered the Angelina Jolie film.
If people wanted to buy something specifically for masturbation, they'd buy lube. Lotion is not a good lube, but there's enough plausible deniability surrounding what it's being used for.
I would argue we are the greatest, but I will also accept best as an answer.
Just use a wider monitor. Then it'll all appear on one line.
A woman at Walgreens once recognized me. She developed photos for my grandma and recognized me from the pictures.
Then why am I tired after traveling only during periods when I wouldn't be sleeping anyway?

I think this is not the answer OP is looking for.
Ethereal; I'd only seen it written for years and read it EH-ther-EE-al. I knew what it meant but I didn't recognize it as the same word the first few times I heard it used.
Not having sex is murder? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
Eyebrows raised!
My favorite gif of all time is a park job like this where a woman is trying to parallel park for a good long time when out of nowhere a guy in a larger car comes flying in and steals the park in one clean move. Hops out and just walks off.
It's not Batman IV: The Quest for Peace?
I don't take this kind of thing seriously as an art, but it looks good. Good work.
Yeah but karma.
It is more of a philosophical argument than a scientific one, I'll concede to that.

The argument it thrusts upon us is quite sound though.
Some opportunities are once in a life time...
Uploaded by dmradar2 | Length 00:01:00 | 3 views

Jacksonville has never experienced a Cat 4 or higher... Andrew hit well south of us and fucked south Florida. You think its dramatic to be worried about my home town?
[] I used to work for a boat company on the potomac River. One of the services is that it takes people from Virginia to DC. There are two drop off points, Georetown and the national mall. I had one lady ask if it was a big mall. I was confused until I realized she thought it was a shopping mall.

I also had several people ask where in the river Sulley landed the plane.
[] Np is that matthew or storms behind it though. I think that was where it was yesterday. Honestly where I am though it hasn't been shit. We aren't expected to see more than like 45mph winds and a few more inches of rain.
[] No one cares.

Except me. I love you.
[] Is the basement still downstairs....
[] Tubs and doorways may offer some protection if your building colapses.

Google and keep close basic survival items and as much food and bottled water you can.

Get a gallon of bleach and learn how to purify water with it.
[] Lmao she showed you
[] Couldn't the seekers just always stay in pairs, and never lose?
[] Stupid long horses can't even hunt.
[] Maybe your gay friends go to hell for knowing you. Try not being such an asshole.
[] I use it every day when climbing ladders and doing other shit.

When i'm on the street its in my backpack unless i forget and its still in my pocket.
[] With or without rice?
[] Why did you have to sleep on the streets if you were working 80 hour weeks?
[] Damn right
[] I think the U.N. owes most of the world reparations for its entrenchment of colonialist borders as immutable and for not requiring that countries comply with any part of 'international law' before they can server on U.N. councils and committees.
[] Nah fuck Trump
[] Because people don't feel bad lying to a faceless company.
[] The ending credit scene is even better.
[] Took me a while to realise it was a tv and not a framed photo of Picard
[] 60% of the population most likely can't even get to the electoral schools, to be honest considering the state of the country.
[] There is no way a show like this could exist today with twitter outrage
[] We would use m/s for projectile speed instead. (Meters per second)
[] /u/ZuluCharlieRider, Your submission title isn't right for listentothis! We have to remove it.

Artist Name -- Song Name [genre genre] (year)

For example: Three Trapped Tigers -- Reset [math rock] (2012)

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Click on the 'delete' option above to remove this before submitting again.

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[] Well... she did somehow remove energy from the environment and produce ice out of thin air... so that to me means she's mastered matter-energy conversion.

Problem is that she didn't remove near enough energy by dropping the temperature a few degrees to account for all the new matter she created. Maybe it's magic.

As for environmental effects... with something like a small county you're not really doing too much to the planets environment as a whole. You've only really created a cold spot that would quickly warm up with the air currents and then everything would return to seasonal norms in probably a weeks time.
[] I thought this was going to be a "Bill Engvall - Here's your sign" moment, but it went sideways.
Uploaded by dmradar8 | Length 00:00:58 | 3 views

The 5-Second Trick For President trump

“We misplaced a legend last night,” wrote Sam on Instagram. “It’s difficult to set into text how brilliant my uncle Michael was, And exactly how influential he was to me.

In the age of twine-reducing, TV networks have turned to streaming to create an viewers lengthy-expression. Which makes information important, and also the USFL and XFL might be considered somewhat low-cost content material that delivers good viewership in a very slower duration of the sporting activities calendar.

S Club 7's Jo O'Meara has spoken out subsequent bandmate Paul Cattermole's untimely death calling it "completely devastating" and thanked admirers for his or her aid in the unfortunate time

Concerning wellness issues for a large receiver who depends on his legs to get open up, That may be a big challenge.

CBS Athletics insider Josina Anderson tweeted out that Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti had been Talking commonly with Beckham and had been, “pitching him on the concept of coming to Baltimore, the support he would have While using the workforce plus the requirement of assisting to sq. factors with Lamar Jackson in addition.”

The Health-related Examiner report said Haskins and the individual he was with “drank closely and eventually, they obtained into a battle, separating.”

There’s a increased-than-zero opportunity that arrive upcoming season, the Pirates could have a farm system that ranks outdoors MLB Pipeline’s Top 10 for The very first time in 50 percent a decade. That might certainly be a good point.

About two months into that approximately ten-7 days operate, which incorporates a postseason, the 2nd marketing campaign from the rejiggered USFL gets underway. It guarantees to stretch the uninterrupted skein of spring soccer into July, just months prior to the NFL returns for training camps.

Henry Avery was the inspiration for a whole era of pirates. He mutinied on board a ship of Englishmen combating for Spain, went pirate, sailed halfway around the world and then created amongst the largest scores ever: the treasure ship from the Grand Mughal of India.

Legendary actor Michael Lerner has handed absent aged 81, as his relatives, enthusiasts and fellow actors rushed to pay for tribute towards the star, who appeared in the long-lasting Christmas film, Elf

I like the sha carri richardson race reviews. The Ravens are Pretty much in competition on a yearly basis, but in some way folks Assume this Business has no hope. It just goes to indicate the knee jerk reaction from admirers. Happy you aren’t anybody’s GM.

At her trial, she declared that she was pregnant and Even though this spared her a trip towards the noose she died in jail.

“I think that the extent from the urge for food, especially if you’re putting on two leagues, is hard. … But it’s normally been the question of can you deliver plenty of revenue to help the Activity of soccer?”

Nothing can be additional distinct than the XFL in 2020 than for this potential it
Uploaded by laboniroy407 | Length 00:01:10 | 0 views

Tubs and doorways may offer some protection if your building colapses.

Google and keep close basic survival items and as much food and bottled water you can.

Get a gallon of bleach and learn how to purify water with it.
[] Lmao she showed you
[] Couldn't the seekers just always stay in pairs, and never lose?
[] Stupid long horses can't even hunt.
[] Maybe your gay friends go to hell for knowing you. Try not being such an asshole.
[] I use it every day when climbing ladders and doing other shit.

When i'm on the street its in my backpack unless i forget and its still in my pocket.
[] With or without rice?
[] Why did you have to sleep on the streets if you were working 80 hour weeks?
[] Damn right
[] I think the U.N. owes most of the world reparations for its entrenchment of colonialist borders as immutable and for not requiring that countries comply with any part of 'international law' before they can server on U.N. councils and committees.
[] Nah fuck Trump
[] Because people don't feel bad lying to a faceless company.
[] The ending credit scene is even better.
[] Took me a while to realise it was a tv and not a framed photo of Picard
[] 60% of the population most likely can't even get to the electoral schools, to be honest considering the state of the country.
[] There is no way a show like this could exist today with twitter outrage
[] We would use m/s for projectile speed instead. (Meters per second)
[] /u/ZuluCharlieRider, Your submission title isn't right for listentothis! We have to remove it.

Artist Name -- Song Name [genre genre] (year)

For example: Three Trapped Tigers -- Reset [math rock] (2012)

The ' -- ' spaces around the dash and the [brackets around the genres] must be included.

Click on the 'delete' option above to remove this before submitting again.

The submission guidelines are summarized on the submit page for quick reference.

The reasons for these community guidelines are explained in the subreddit introduction.

If reddit displays a message telling you to wait a little while before submitting again, moderators are NOT able to assist with this. This is a site-wide feature, and the message will not appear once your account age and total karma exceed required thresholds. Verifying your email address can help resolve this issue.


I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
[] Well... she did somehow remove energy from the environment and produce ice out of thin air... so that to me means she's mastered matter-energy conversion.

Problem is that she didn't remove near enough energy by dropping the temperature a few degrees to account for all the new matter she created. Maybe it's magic.

As for environmental effects... with something like a small county you're not really doing too much to the planets environment as a whole. You've only really created a cold spot that would quickly warm up with the air currents and then everything would return to seasonal norms in probably a weeks time.
[] I thought this was going to be a "Bill Engvall - Here's your sign" moment, but it went sideways.
[] But in the Midwest it's definitely a thing.
[] What he said.
[] We sell those transparent glass screen protectors for phones
One brand we have is called cheetah. The packaging has cheetah print on the front,

I had a customer email wondering why her screen protector didn't have a cheetah pattern on it?
[] Hey look, you're full of shit. HTC paid a 3M in federal income taxes last year. A 30% tax rate.
[] Whenever people in the comments quote something from the link that is posted, and nothing else. Just the quote. I mean, everyone has watched that video, read that text, seen that image. No need to repeat it.
Uploaded by dmradar8 | Length 00:00:13 | 1 views

Fool me once, strike one. Fool me twice... Strike... 3
What things do you personally always have with you while touring / traveling?
Huh, I hadn't thought of that. But yeah, that makes a lot of sense. By the way, have you read The Things?
You're not having it right now! :D
Subreddit of peace.
And at some point fall in love
It appears that the bitterness runs strong in this family.
So can you have sex or jack off again at all?
Some of the newer reactor designs make more sense. They use 99% of the nuclear material (instead of 1%) which basically translates into 100x less nuclear waste. I would be included to stick with fewer larger facilities and make use of the existing distribution networks until we really have the technology nailed (which takes 3 or 4 generations).
How come she was only one who know Thomas I know a Thomas
Is it being directed by Tim Burton and scored by Danny Elfman? No, so who cares : P Just watch Batman Returns again, you'll love it. That opening sequence, cinema history.
It's sometimes hilarious when the characters are constantly surprised by obvious/not that scary stuff. I am a shitty horror movie connoisseur, though.
It was such an experience listening to the new album. I think it partially was because I'm so invested in you guys but also because it's literally a work of art. I respect and admire you guys so much for thinking outside the box and not giving a crap about genres. The flow of the album is so great but at the same time, each song is it's own individual. Every time I listen to the album I catch new things I didn't notice before. It has so many layers.
I was wondering...

What song took longest to make and produce?

What song means the most to you?

Are most of the songs from personal experiences?
Nice thing about Krav Maga is there's a cardio portion of every class too. I trained at the school in LA with the guy who opened the chain.
I once stumbled upon a Facebook conversation years old and in the conversation I sent a link that said "hey I think you'll like this, it reminded me of you!" There was no furthers information in the next few lines of text. So I clicked the link and accidentally rickrolled myself.
Strongly recommend the novelisation of the film. It includes some deleted scenes and adds flavor.
I actually found Karen to be a lot more likeable than Pam.
Thanks for all of the replies. Will continue just trying to work at it. No idea where it came from either. As I enjoy flying, get a little shaky on balconies but at working heights for my old and new job I just get really shaken up and it's something I would like to overcome
Zuko. Book 4 avatar last air bender.
Trump and Hillary
Like, have people told you you look creepy or was it a result of your actions?
You just described me to a T, except in 20.... Oh and not the career part that's easy
i dont know, i thought you were asking how to determine for yourself if the porn you were viewing was appropriate. also if youre speaking legal its more likely for the person who uploaded the video to face punishment than the people who watch it
So true! Frankly, I often wonder how people who can't program ever solve any problems at all.
Hi Dan! I am bringing my mom to see your show this Wednesday in Toronto, she was born in south africa like your parents and loves you guys. Is there any way we can meet the band?
Uploaded by dmradar2 | Length 00:00:53 | 3 views

So also, for the lay people, N5355W would be pronounced according to the native phonetic alphabet and would go November five tree five five whisky. I think a source of confusion for some listening to ATC is that some things that seen second nature to us pilots, sound like complete jibberish when in reality it is just a string of letters that identifies an airport or an airplane.
Make her open the box

And that's the way you do it!
Lol Wayne Rooney fans said this about him a few days ago
Word of warning, watch it with subtitles or risk not understanding a single word.
I hope someone murders this cunt
Everyone is asking these brilliant questions and I just want to ask - do you prefer Christmas or Halloween? (Kinda sad I couldn't make it to the Oct 31 show tbh but November 2nd will do )
The more I listen to The Book of Souls I love it more and more.
Not sure it was meant as a compliment.

A post must be a data visualization.

This post has been removed.
To me it's the fact they lift their finger and smack the mouse hard with their finger everytime they are gonna click on something..
Well, going by memory (This was over five years ago) we had Chaucers and Bunratty, which are pretty widely available -I've seen them at places like Bevmo and Cost Plus. We also had selections from Honeyrun in Chico and Honeywood in Oregon. One was called Ragnar's Reserve dry mead. There was also an elderberry honey wine. It was a big hit, but we only did it for one year because it was too difficult to source all the different meads. The Cash n Carry where we bought all our beer kegs and liquor only carried Chaucers, so we were buying the others at retail cost from a specialty shop in Palm Springs. (One of the ale staff lived there, so she would pick up the order on the drive in.) The following season, the owner of the festival didn't want to bother with it again. I think we just stuck with Chaucers after that.

Just an FYI, the Honeywood Mead was almost always chosen as the favorite by people who bought the sampler.
I really enjoy going out by myself - especially for museums and exhibitions, it really allows me to focus on it and go at my own pace.

And since you seem to be wanting a gf - I appreciate a guy who is happy in his own company. It shows he's confident and independent. (and isn't going to be clingy) who knows, you may meet someone there
20th Century Fox should give the film rights back to Marvel or make a deal with Marvel in the same manner Sony did in regards to the upcoming Spider-Man reboot that is due next summer.
I like you.
Are you sure it wasnt the clowns at the capital?
When you're the one dying, you tend to have a better idea of the truth than the guy in a comfy chair sitting in a meeting.
Yeah i can see that. Some companies do that consistently.
I'm really curious, did you know all that off the top of your head or did you have to do some googling?
It also has the best use of 3D I've ever seen during the final tunnel scene. The way it throbs and pulsates towards and away the viewer looked incredible in the thater.
Measles and Mumps
Damn, that's awful
Must have forgotten to put on the parking brake.
But a forced baby for someone who doesn't want it is a punishment. How could it not be? That's the logical conclusion. Forcing someone to be pregnant and have a child agaisnt their will is not a good experience for them. It will honestly be horrible. Thats why women throw themselves down the stairs to try to kill themselves when they have unwanted pregnancies and can't abort. They're desperate.

I wouldn't feel anything if I wasn't alive. I wouldn't be. There would be nothing to feel. Its a stupid question.

No way in hell am I reading scriptures haha but thanks for the concern. Religion has done enough to my family thank you.
Because Trump supporters can't string together a coherent sentence.
You must've never seen Appaloosa, Harris is the perfect wild west cowboy/lawman/frontier type.
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