Vimeo Video Search API

If you are using Camideo Video Search API to search video and song from Vimeo, then can add all the filters supported by Vimeo to narrow down your search. You will be getting a uniform JSON response from us.
You can easily make calls to our Vimeo Video Search API by simply calling this url:<API KEY>
However, this is a generic call and not using any search filter. For more information on how to get the key and generic call input parameters and uniform JSON response please read our Camideo Video Search API documentation.
Below table describes the additional Vimeo search filters we accept:



Accepted Values

sort Sorts the result in this order relevant, newest, oldest, most_played, most_commented, or most_liked
per_page Number of search results Numeric value between 1 to 50
page Staring page number of the search result Numeric value
user_id Videos from this author will be searched only ID number or username of the user
summary_response Set this parameter to get back more information 0 or 1
full_response Set this parameter to get back the full video information 0 or 1
So a fully filtered call may look like this<API KEY>